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Welcome to Akenland! We're an RPG-inspired, community-focused Minecraft survival server.

The story...

For many years, the tribes of Akenland lived independently and peacefully. That was, until conflicts both within and between tribes, lead to the greatest war to ever touch their land.

Now, in the aftermath of the Great War, Akenland's fate is unknown. The fighting may have stopped, but the world may never be the same. The tribe system is no more. Clans, kingdoms, and thaindoms - the realms - are the new rulers of the land.

Each realm seems to have a different goal. Team up with other players and join a realm, or, if you dare, head out on your own, and start your own town.

The Aunix Sanctuary, Akenland

The Farthings

Our customized 20,000 x 10,000 world is divided into four farthings. Each has its own biomes, culture, towns, and realms.

For the brave, two of the four farthings are PvP Zones, while the other two are Peaceful Zones, for those who prefer a more relaxed environment.

Waramon - Peaceful

Waramon is the west half of the continent of Akenland.

Despite being heavily impacted by the war, Waramon's central location has made it the home of many explorers and refugees.

Much of Akenland's population lives in the City of Dunburk, at the south coast of Waramon. Built in the ruins of an old fort, it is a bustling and well-defended trade hub.

The farming town of Gryston is "the breadbasket of Akenland", while the mines of Valeria supply copious amounts of ore. Ample forests across the land fuel the growth of this reborn nation.

A recent attempt to unify Waramon is quickly gaining traction. The Clan has brought Dunburk, and the towns of Warburg and Gryston, together as one realm.

Eborin - Peaceful

Eborin is the east half of the continent of Akenland.

During the war, Eborin established itself as a safe haven for the wealthy, the artists, and the eccentric.

The beautiful City of Abrindor is the capital of Eborin. The Apiceedra or "big tree building" towers over the city, and the Thain's castle alone dwarfs almost any settlement in the world, in both style and size. Its colleges are reknowned for teaching Ethrynism and magic.

A realm with history and class, the Thaindom has held this farthing for centuries, using their immense wealth to bring great change throughout not only Akenland, but the entire world.

Sholkingham - PvP

Sholkingham includes the three northern continents: Estril, Bornstead, Abbistone.

Estril saw many fleeing Waramon during the war. But they weren't the only ones seeking opportunity, with bandits scattered in the hills. Those stolen treasures may still be lost in this massive continent.

While Estril may be treachorous, it pales to the mountains of Bornstead. Few venture this far north, and those who do rarely survive the frigid climate. Still, it would be an excellent place to hide valued possessions...

The warmest of the three, Abbistone is known for its sweeping canyons and beautiful mesas. But make no mistake, the remoteness and scarcity of resources ensures a challenge.

Rùnnach - PvP

Rùnnach includes the three southern continents: Skarn, Abithyre, Temic.

Skarn is a diverse land, with a variety of biomes and islands. But most fear its central biome, a blackened wasteland known as Quimir's Keep. Legends say that this land is a show of cruelty from its namesake god.

Many run to the fertile mountains of Abithyre, seeking freedom, but none expect the harsh realities of RĂ¹nnach's realms. A large continent quickly shrinks once one witnesses the twisted magicians that manage to grasp it.

Some see Temic as a stepping stone from Eborin, and its towns and trading posts may seem gentle. But, look deeper, and an underworld lurks, sitting and waiting for any careless misstep...

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